Reading God’s word daily is a vital part of your walk with Jesus. Receive truth from the Lord today!
— Bible blog
Read God’s truth today!
March 4, 2024
Let’s put government back on the shoulders of Jesus.
February 26, 2024
Time to get this country back in balance. Vote the Bible.
February 19, 2024
I find this verse very interesting. So we all know the blood of Jesus covers sin, but so does charity and it doesn’t say you have to have both.
February 12, 2024
#SaltyforGod #GodBackinGoverment
February 5, 2024
A Heavenly Father that hears us.
January 29, 2024
Isaiah 54 verse 14-17 very encouraging.
January 22, 2024
Boy if this isn’t a headline from a newspaper in today’s world. World’s wisdom is foolish.
January 15, 2024
”No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.“
Joshua 1:5 AMPC
January 8, 2024
“Escapism”, seems like it’s a big message preachers now days are teaching. They give us no tools or teachings on how to battle the devil with the power and authority God gave us. Just wait on the “rapture” and none of your suffering will matter.
Well I may be wrong, but I do not wish to stand by and be attacked by the devil without fighting back.
Bible says we have power and authority and can do all things through Christ!
So I’m going to battle in this spiritual war and make sure the devil knows there are consequences when he screws with me. I refuse to let the devil have any control or any ground in this fight.
Ask yourself is the devil the big winner when the rapture comes? What about the last great harvest at the end? Is God always the winner every time?
We either believe everything in the Bible or we don’t. Pick a side and get on it. For those sitting on the fence, you just picked your side.
January 1, 2024
Happy New Year everyone!!
December 25, 2023
What if Mary had said No?
God somehow honors free will and still controls the world.
December 11, 2023
Let’s get government back on the shoulders of Jesus.
December 4, 2023
For those that keep saying “get ready for the Rapture”. Stop saying that.
Do you really think Jesus is coming back for an abused bride that has been beat with an ugly stick the last few years.
He’s going to rescue us, but not by pulling us out of this less than desirable world we live in.
I believe he’s coming to remove evil and for some reason he wants us to be involved in this process.
So get off your butt and get busy doing whatever God has placed in front of you.
Quit whining and feeling sorry for yourself.
We have Power and Authority from Jesus, so get busy using that power and authority.
Man up! Woman up! Jesus Up!
November 27, 2023
November 20, 2023
Do not comply to all their lies!
November 13, 2023
Change is coming and change will happen.
November 6, 2023
Well God, what are you going to do about this messy jacked up situation/world we find ourselves living in?
Or is the question, what are we going to do about it?
Could it be days, weeks, or months away, but it is close? Everyone can feel it. What are you God going to do for your counter punch in cleaning the devils clock? Rapture?
No I don’t think so. So put up your “rapture blanket” up and save it for your grand kids.
Could it be compared to a Red Sea moment but even better?
So don’t fear as the scare event nears. Use your power and authority we have through Jesus and we will be fine. God has this, but evil has got to go!!
October 30, 2023
We need the plumb line of Jesus back in our government.
October 23, 2023
Just a reminder to all in the government that are choosing to make selfish wrong decisions. God’s Justice is coming. God is patience but requires a payment for such.
October 16, 2023
Stand strong Patriots and do not fear. Do not comply to the lie and don’t believe anything the fake lying media tells you Their reign is coming to a close. This is a season that will not last forever. That’s why it’s called a season.
October 9, 2023
This verse was said to Abraham the Father of the Jewish people. This makes it very clear what God wants. So the Hamas/Nazis/Iranians have made their choice and Whoa to them. We should support Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
October 2, 2023
What does it mean to glorify God? Translated in to Texan, piss off the devil at every opportunity and keep his head under your foot.
September 25, 2023
Joshua is a favorite of mine. Joshua had to take over leadership from Moses, who walked to his own funeral. That’s big shoes to fill! Is that why God kept telling Joshua to be strong and courageous multiple times.
September 18, 2023
The story of Elijah taking on the prophets of Baal is a really good story. I love the part where he mocks the prophets. Sounds like he wasn’t politically correct. He saw God bring down fire from heaven.
September 11, 2023
Who wants to go Giant hunting this morning ? Bring your bible and 5 smooth stones.
September 5, 2023
Let’s remind the devil who’s Large and in Charge. John 1: 1-14
August 28, 2023
It’s about to get a bit sporty in this world, but we have come too far to give up now. Stand! Hold the line! Do not comply to anything that violates your constitutional rights. Do not bow a knee to evil. The sooner we stand the sooner this will be over. Remember Psalms 37, Joshua 1:9, and hold the line and advance when Jesus gives the signal! Do not give up! Remember you were born for such a time as this. Act like it!
Devil you cannot have our children. You cannot sacrifice our children. You cannot mutilate our children. You get back under my foot where you belong!
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